Programmatic wide-range deals. Enhance your performance

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Dear Publisher, In this file you will find the latest version of our offer about Programmatic wide-range Deals from the SSPs which we acquire in cooperation with media houses Best, Karol Jurga

Why join wide-range deals?

You can quickly join other publishers in successfully selling your inventory to well-known and trusted buyers, that might not have the time and resources to reach out to you directly, negotiate a programmatic deal and assign it to their campaigns.

✔️ Say hello to:

  • Additional revenue generated through programmatic deals, with CPM rates higher than what you would be getting on the open auction,
  • Full control and transparency in regards to the specific buyers (agencies, brands) and minimum CPM prices that would be applied.

❌ Say goodbye to:

  • Ad networks that buy your inventory in bulk, repackage it and sell for higher prices, so when you reach out to a specific buyer, they tell you that they are already using your inventory and do not need anything else.
  • Lack of transparency in the data and control provided by the open exchange.


High eCPMs

Programmatic deals typically command higher effective cost per thousand impressions (eCPMs) compared to the standard OA emmision, resulting in increased revenue.


Exclusive demand

The main advantage comes from the fact that the with wide-range deals acquired by Yieldbird Publisher will get an exclusive budgets from the advertisers that would not be available in the standard OA channels.


How does it work?

Media buyers in agencies are often overwhelmed by the vast amount of inventory they can use, so any new publisher that wants to be incorporated into their campaigns causes them additional work. They limit the number of programmatic deals they assign to a campaign to a bare minimum of the deals they are required to use for some reasons (e.g. to be paid a kickback by the publisher).

However they would still benefit from having the priority access to valuable publishers through a single programmatic deal that would cover a wide range of inventory. Such a single deal would be easy to manage and also optimize, using various optimization tools and algorithms made available for them by the DSPs.

On the publisher’s side the deals compete with other demand sources through Prebid integration which allows them to win over the open exchange and compete with direct (IO-based) campaigns, if the CPM rate is high enough.

What do I need to do to be able to run wide-range deals on my inventory?


Make sure that you are running Header Bidding auction on the website

It is required to have Prebid on the site, as demand integration is done via the SSP adapter


Integrate Yieldbirds’ SSP account to the HB auction

Just add the ads.txt entry and the SSP parameters provided by Yieldbird


Become a beneficiary of wide-range deals!

Great! Now you can enjoy the high rates from the programmatic deals we have acquired for you

Curious how much You can earn with wide-range deals?

Start testing and monetizing with the new demand channel

Contact your Customer Manager today


Karol Jurga

Chief Revenue Officer


Whatsapp: +48 512 244 237

LinkedIn: karol-jurga