The new video ad format with high revenue potential: Vidoomy

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Dear Publisher, In this file you will find the latest version of our offer about our new video format with high revenue potential. If you have any questions in regards to it, feel free to reach out to us anytime. Best, Karol Jurga

Why Vidoomy video?


High eCPM rates

The Partner guaratees high CPM rates 1,5-2 EUR


High engagement

Video slider is designed and positioned in a way that guarantees high viewability yet stays non-intrusive for the viewer. It’s UX friendly


Easy integration

With one code Publisher receives the player plus the demand for the relevant market


How does it work?

The Vidoomy Sticky Player is an innovative video advertising tool designed to enhance user engagement and maximize ad viewability. Here are 4-5 key points explaining how it works:

  1. User Engagement and Viewability:
    • The Sticky Player remains visible on the user's screen as they scroll through a webpage. This ensures that the video ad is continuously viewable, leading to higher engagement rates and improved completion rates compared to standard video ads.
  2. Adaptive Positioning:
    • The player automatically adjusts its position on the screen based on the user's scroll behavior. It typically "sticks" to a corner or edge of the screen, minimizing disruption to the user's browsing experience while maintaining visibility.
  3. Cross-Device Compatibility:
    • The Sticky Player is designed to work seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. This flexibility ensures a consistent user experience and broadens the reach of video ad campaigns.
  4. Improved Ad Performance Metrics:
    • By ensuring higher viewability and engagement, the Sticky Player can lead to better performance metrics, such as increased video completion rates and higher click-through rates (CTR). This makes it a valuable tool for advertisers looking to maximize the return on their video ad investments.

This opt-in model creates a win-win situation: users get high-quality and non-intrusive video ad format, advertisers get engaged viewers, and publishers increase revenue while maintaining a positive user experience.

Case Study: Adding Vidoomy video player on

What did we do?

We have implemented the Vidoomy player in the quiz section on the website.

User enters the quiz section

The Vidoomy player is automatically triggered and displayed in the location defined by the Publisher.

Why is it user-friendly ?

The Vidoomy player can be closed by the user at any time or will automatically close after displaying the ad. The publisher can decide whether the ads will be initiated with sound or muted

Desktop and mobile

The Vidoomy player can operate on both desktop and mobile. We recommend taking advantage of this capability and implementing it in both versions


What was the financial impact?

Tutaj napisac ze w wyniku podpicia wzrosla kasa na PV ( RPM) i dodać slajd jak ten poniżej który przedstawic jak kasa wskoczyła


Curious how much You can earn through Vidoomy?

Start testing and monetizing with the new format.

Contact your Customer Manager today


Karol Jurga

Chief Revenue Officer


Whatsapp: +48 512 244 237

LinkedIn: karol-jurga