MCM Managed Account - get your direct access to ADX

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Dear Publisher, In this file you will find the latest version of our offer about MCM Managed account - the relevant option for those Publisher who don’t have their own ADX account but would like to keep full control and transparecy over their setup and monetization. If you have any questions in regards to it, feel free to reach out to us anytime. Best, Karol Jurga

Why MCM Managed Account ?


Direct access to ADX

The MCM Managed Account, offered by Google, enables publishers to have direct access to an ADX account, providing them with greater control and transparency over their ad inventory. This access allows for more efficient ad management and potentially higher revenue through optimized ad placements and bidding.


Full control

Having an ADX launched directly in the Child's GAM (Google Ad Manager) gives publishers full control over the ADX setup. This setup allows publishers to customize and optimize their ad configurations, ensuring better performance and potentially higher revenue through tailored ad placements and strategies.


100% transparency

With an MCM Managed Account, your earnings are transferred directly from Google to you, ensuring 100% transparency. This direct payment method eliminates intermediaries, providing clear insight into your revenue and enhancing trust in the earnings process.


How does it work?

  1. Parent shares an invitation to MCM Managed Account with the Child Publisher
  2. Child Publisher accepts an invitation and gains access to AD
  3. After activating the ADX Line Item in the Child’s GAM, the Publisher can create a setup and start monetizing their inventory.
  4. Google pays the Child Publisher directly, while the Parent automatically receives their agreed-upon commission.
  5. You earn revenue and have a full, transparent overview of your setup and income directly from Google.

This opt-in model creates a win-win situation: the Child Publisher has full control over the setup and receives revenue directly from Google, while the Parent receives their commission automatically without needing to report data daily.

Case Study: Managed Account cooperation with Team Media GmbH

What did we do?

In March we invited the Publisher to MCM Managed account cooperation and shared AdExchange with them. Previously, Publisher was using AdSense only.


They accepted an invitation in GAM

… which is a regular activity and takes a few minutes


After positive verification, the Google Team Media gained access to AdExchange

The verification process typically takes a few days. Once completed, the Publisher can begin ADX activation.


Once the ADX setup was completed Publisher started monetizing his inventory with higher rates

In most cases, AdExchange (AdX) outperforms AdSense. AdX only allows ads from certified advertisers, ensuring high-quality and relevant ads for the publisher's audience. This quality control contributes to better performance and higher rates.

What was the financial impact?

As a result, the average revenue increased by +150%


Curious how much You can earn through MCM Managed Account with direct access to ADX?

Start testing and monetizing with the approach!

Contact your Customer Manager today


Karol Jurga

Chief Revenue Officer


Whatsapp: +48 512 244 237

LinkedIn: karol-jurga